
hi yall!
I havent had too many updates lately, sorry x__x!

actually, i have been posting in my ameblo everyday since last week.
I decided to study japanese again (since i lack in practice)

so all of you who are studying japanese, or just wanna look at
my amusing pictures, check ouy my ameblo here!

Cake+゜ candy*

unfortunately its all in Japanese, but meh
this blogs mostly in spanish and that hasnt stopped
you english speaking peoples =D

Actualizar un blog en tres idiomas es trabajoso!えー
Pero lo intentare!

Para su entretenimiento, les presento fotos robadas!カメラ

una foto de sabe cuando
ya ni me acuerdo!
I miss hanging out with the TJ, girls
tho actually...i admit i hardly ever talk to them when im WITH them キャハハ
sorry, girlies- im just weird じゅる・・

los zapatos rojos estan de moda. Nececito un par!いー

Una foto tomada en Anime Expo con un amigo.
Estaba super enfadado de la convencion.
Le pedi que pusiera carita feliz para la foto. FAIL にこ

Hoy fui a una tienda de ropa y me encontre con unos monitos
de ratoncitos super lindos!ラブラブ
son de una marca super retro llamada Annalee.
Se me hicieron super cute y no estaba nada caro
pero aun asi, no compre ni'uno!

cuando llegue a mi casa me imagine unos de esos peluchines
vestidos de lolita y hize este dibujo!アート

I made this cute drawing today as i pondered what a mouse would look like in a lolita dress D:

thats all for today, kids!音譜

If anyone has an ameblo and wants to share it- let me know!
Im in serious need of some Japanese practice =D

1 comment:

  1. Hi!
    I love your blog. And I love cute Lolita style!
    I add your blog to my fav.
    I will visit U more coz U have so cute blog! I love them!


Rosie-O's Copyright 2013. Edited by: Rosie. my facebook page: Rosie Os.

