Girl's Life English subtitles

Cake+゜Hello Cupcakes!petit cake*

I present to you the long awaited "Girls Life" movie with English subtitles.
You can download in the "Girls Life" located on the menu bar at the top.
Subtitles were done by me with the assistance of a native Japanese speaker.
This is fansubbed and some translations may not be 100% correct.
We translated the movie colloquially rather than literally. IT WAS HARD.

ギャルPreview of the Movie for those who are unfamiliar with itロング3 ピース2
This movie is a work in progress.
The entire first half of the movie is now up.
I will upload the next two parts of the movie as I complete them
in the following two weeks.
Please look forward to it and enjoy the first half. ラブラブ

Instructions for movie download

Step One
create a new folder and download the movie files into the folder.

Step Two
download HJ split (link provided under movie download)
download (location one)

Step Three
Run HJ split and choose combine.
Choose the first file in the sequence "girlslife_eng1.wmv.001"
If the files are all in the same folder, it will combine them automatically.
Repeat for files from part 2


  1. yay! that's great! I have already dowloanded movie without any subtitles, so I don't want to download it again.. can you put somewhere just the subtitles in *.srt o *.ass format? thx! ^^

  2. I added the subtitles directly into the movie. I dont have any kind of script for it. Its easier if you just download it again.

  3. I downloaded all the parts and I can even watch the movie but after a few minutes it stops :( Do you have any idea what I did wrong? It would be so nice if you could help me it bugs me a lot >.<

  4. @succubus.
    Right now only half of the movie is up- about 40 minutes. That 40 minutes is split up into two parts. So you should have two 20-mins videos to watch.
    I had to upload it split up because Megaupload is dead and I dont wanna pay for a mediafire account that i seldom use >m< sorry

  5. ahhhh, pero si la primera parte estaba en españolm porque ahora la sigues en ingles ???

  6. @samantha-
    Primero la tradusco en ingles y despues a español.
    Si terminare de traducir la version en español! =3

  7. hi! ^^ no se como hacer para bajar las primeras 2 partes ya que no soy muy buena para bajar cosas TT.TT pro si kiero esta movie ! sera posible que tu pongas los liks ? para poder descargarla mas rápido ? ya que se me hace un poco complicado descargarlo DX o no seria mas fácil que tu pusieras las 3 partes de la peli en tu blog? grax <3

  8. Rosie donde encuentro la subtitulada en español??? es que no la encuentro por ningún lado solo en inglés, porfa quiero verla

  9. do you know where can i download it without subs?

  10. do you still have the original without subs? i wanna sub it to my language, but i can't fidn it without subs anywhere else (ok i find them, but they're always incomplete)


Rosie-O's Copyright 2013. Edited by: Rosie. my facebook page: Rosie Os.

