お風呂に入ります!Bath Time

Hello, cupcakes. バラRosieバラ here.
Im trying to post more in english these days

First of all Im a fucking debu旦那ダイエット
Or at least I am ever since I started dating my boyfriend lol
He is so good at cooking I cant help nom up everything 叫び
As a result of my glutony im up about 12 lbs.
Im working on it now that my boyfriend is in Japan.
Tae bo urrday woo! ビリーズブートキャンプ

Oh here's my adorable Marieマリーちゃん Pijamas totally found them at walmart for 9 dollars!
Thank you Yoshi for buying me such cute jammies so i can show off
my six pack of rolls lolデブ

In other news heres my new bathroom. I get it all to myself.
Yoshi has his own bathroom too yey
*indian accent* everybody wins!
Not super fancy YET but its getting there!

Hers my royal throne. トイレFlower decals from Japanese market
which were especially made for toilets sure add a nice touch!バラ

On my sink I have my cute little makeup bag that i got from Ageha

Here's my fine italian soaps. bath*
They have roses engraved on them and they smell DIVINE!
I found these at TJ MAX (USA) for 3 bucks each

Hers my victorian rose bath set which was gifted to me and I never used it
Still dont, but it makes for good decorationteehee

Some more rose scented lotions and BBlicious creamラブラブ
Ive always had a weakness for rose scented ANYTHING.
I even have a perfume that smells like real roses. I ought to spray
the toilet with it after i take a badunka-dump.
Pardon my vulgarity, its late うれしい

Japanese hair cream, bath soak, bb cream extra palty for when i need a touch up
and the bento container is where i store my lense cases
The 99 cent kitty speaker is attatched to my pink ipod for easy listenin

I gotta tell yall about this hime bath soak! bath*
Yoshi recommended I start using these so he picked out
this princess one王冠

Basically you fill the lid 3/4 full with the powder and mix it in the bath
then voila! Pink rose scented bath! It smells so good, and its spose to be soothing n relaxing.
おふろ。I added the bubble bath for extra fun

The following is written in ebonics:
Aiight chall be seein ya in the AM

translation: bye
lol this is why i dont blog in english.
My gangster comes out =/


  1. That is the cutest bathroom I've ever seen O.O it's so pink and pretty!!! And YAY! I can read your post! XD

  2. woooo me encanta tu estilo Rosie! es ... PERFECTO! Creo que eres una gran gyaru! te sigo .. besos <3


  3. U look so lovely in bright hair. Is this wig or U change your hair color?

    I love your bathroom, too much roses <3 cuuute <3

  4. You make me want to buy all new stuff for my bathroom!


Rosie-O's Copyright 2013. Edited by: Rosie. my facebook page: Rosie Os.

